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VNET Integration of Azure Services
Deploy dedicated Azure services into virtual networks
When you deploy dedicated Azure services in a virtual network, you can communicate with the service resources privately, through private IP addresses. The services can then be privately accessed within the virtual network and from on-premises networks.
Subnet delegation in Azure virtual network enables you to designate a specific subnet for an Azure PaaS service of your choice that needs to be injected into your virtual network. When you delegate a subnet to an Azure service, you allow that service to establish some basic network configuration rules for that subnet, which help the Azure service operate their instances in a stable manner. Subnet delegation provides full control to the customer on managing the integration of Azure services into their virtual networks. Each Azure service defines their own deployment model, where they can define what properties they do or do not support in a delegated subnet for injection purposes.
Certain services also impose restrictions on the subnet they’re deployed in, limiting the application of policies, routes or combining VMs and service resources within the same subnet. Check with each service on the specific restrictions as they may change over time. Examples of such services are Azure NetApp Files…